Valuation Report 2017 - Rates and Adjustments Certificate
31st March 2017
31st March 2017
In accordance with regulation 60(4) of the Regulations Hymans Robertson have made an assessment of the contributions that should be paid into the Fund by participating employers for the period 1 April 2018 to 31 March 2021 in order to maintain the solvency of the Fund.
The method and assumptions used to calculate the contributions set out in the Rates and Adjustments certificate are detailed in the Funding Strategy Statement dated March 2018 and our report on the actuarial valuation dated 29 March 2018.
Regulation 60(8) requires a statement of the assumptions on which the certificate is given regarding the number of members, and the associated of liabilities arising, who will become entitled to payment of pensions under the regulations of the LGPS. These assumptions can be found in Appendix D of the 31 March 2017 formal valuation report dated 29 March 2018. These assumptions cover members who become entitled to payment of pension via normal retirement and ill health retirement. Further members will become entitled due to involuntary early retirement (for redundancy and efficiency reasons) for which no allowance
has been made.